NFA Membership FAQs
Yes, NFA's directories and registries provide information about NFA Members and CFTC registrants, including, among other details, registration and membership status, NFA ID, and city, state, province (if applicable) and country. As a security precaution, these directories and registries are password protected. Members and registrants must input their ORS username and password to access the directories and registries.
Firms must file an electronic application for NFA membership in ORS. Individual applicants automatically apply to be Associates as part of the AP registration application process if the applicant's sponsor is or becomes a Member of NFA.
No. Applicants for NFA membership or associate status must meet fitness standards similar to those that apply to applicants for registration as well as satisfy NFA's proficiency testing requirements. Generally, if the applicant is granted registration, the membership or associate status is also approved.
Applicants that are denied membership have the right to appeal the denial and, in some cases, to have a hearing before the Membership Committee in order to demonstrate that they meet requirements for membership.